Modern Biases of an Educational Project: Mariátegui


  • Daniel Alejandro Figueroa Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos


Mariátegui, marxism, psychology, spirituality, freedom


The next paper pretends to determinate the limit of the Carlos Mariátegui’s Marxist perspective. He is recognized for giving importance to spirituality and the individual’s psychology. Nevertheless, despite he defends a heterodoxical version of Marxism, his theory has the same problem as that the orthodox: the social change will happen because we are in a process which operates dialectically. We will show that the importance that he assigns to spirituality is only recognized according to the “Marxist myth” and, in addition, that the recognition of a psychological dimension is insufficient. In relation to the reform that was
established to the public universities in 1920, we will develop this topic based on the modern bias
of the faith in the Marxist historical transformation and in freedom. Ultimately, the paper will demonstrate how the above thrives on the analysis of the conditions for a social change such as the reform.

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How to Cite

Figueroa, D. A. . (2015). Modern Biases of an Educational Project: Mariátegui. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, 2(6), 66–75. Retrieved from