Objections to Martha Nussbaum’s interpretation about the contemplative activity in the Book X 6-8 of Nicomachean Ethics


  • Maura Alejandra Cifuentes Ortiz National Pedagogic University


happiness, contemplative activity, active life, autarchy, common life


This paper aims to show how the evolutionary interpretation presented by the American philosopher Martha Nussbaum about the Book X 6-8 of Nicomachean Ethics is incompatible with the binding between the active and contemplative life that Aristotle seeks to link in that Book. With this in mind, I will divide the text in four parts. First I will expose the two lifestyles presented by Aristotle in the Book: lifestyle according to the intellectual virtue of wisdom —contemplative life— and lifestyle as the ethical virtues and the intelectual virtue of prudence —practical or active life—. After I will discuss the interpretation given by Nussbaum and then I will present some objections to it. Finally, I will draw an interpretation by linking both conflicting lifestyles.

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How to Cite

Cifuentes Ortiz, M. A. (2015). Objections to Martha Nussbaum’s interpretation about the contemplative activity in the Book X 6-8 of Nicomachean Ethics. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (7), 6–36. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/versiones/article/view/23583


