Descartes: a Hero of Understanding, a Villain of Reason. A Hegelian View about Beginning of Philosophy


  • Andrés Arroyave Muñoz University of Antioquia


beginning of science, Descartes, Hegel, understanding, reason


In this paper I expose the Hegel’s view of the beginning of science such as he understood the Cartesian choice. To achieve this proposal, I will expose Hegelian and Cartesian thought on this. On one hand, I will discuss why Descartes chooses “doubt” to prove the existence of the Self –and his intention in giving an account of the existence of God. On the other hand, I will discuss the Hegelian notion of doubt and its distance from Cartesian doubt, as well as the Hegelian view of the beginning and his criticism on the ways such a beginning has been treated. Then I will establish different relations that can be drawn between Descartes and Hegel about the beginning of science. Finally, I will explain why Descartes becomes the hero of understanding, but the villain of reason.

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How to Cite

Arroyave Muñoz, A. (2016). Descartes: a Hero of Understanding, a Villain of Reason. A Hegelian View about Beginning of Philosophy. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (8), 116–126. Retrieved from


