The Crisis of Humanity and Spiritual Sciences. The Humanism Projects of Husserl and Gadamer


  • Daniel Quiroz Ospina University of Antioquia


spiritual sciences, humanism, phenomenology, bildung, experience


The aim of this paper is to describe and to compare the approaches of Husserl and Gadamer as projects trying, on the one hand, to claim the role of the spiritual or human sciences and, on the other hand, to establish an idea of humanism from such a vindication. In turn, it is made some critical annotations about Husserl’s proposal, showing why Gadamer’s philosophical project is more adequate to address this topic. It is firstly shown Husserl’s work, whose objective is to create and to ground a new science studying the human or spiritual affairs with the same universality of natural science. In the second part, it is described the fundamental aspects of Gadamer’s work, whose objective is to recover the essential concepts and features of classic humanism, as well as to bring all them to a new understanding which must help to give a definite and appropriate way to the spiritual sciences, and with them, to the general human experience of the world.

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How to Cite

Quiroz Ospina, D. (2016). The Crisis of Humanity and Spiritual Sciences. The Humanism Projects of Husserl and Gadamer. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (8), 117–136. Retrieved from


