Diagnostic of man. The problem of alienation in Karl Marx and Friedrich Schiller


  • Daniel Quiroz Ospina University of Antioquia


alienation, activity, labor, subject, objet, reason, sensibility


The aim of this paper is to establish similarities and differences between Friedrich Schiller’s and Karl Marx’s theoretical approaches about the concept of alienation. An underlying difference is located in the circumstances of each author. Schiller will expose a series of adverse situations of his time; these are diffuse and not joined in a specific concept; instead Marx will give a clear argument string to the situations of his time that will allow minting the concept with which I deal. An underlying similarity consists that, both authors, the principal cause of alienation situation is the abstract distinction between subject and objet, which will have theoretical and, basically, practical consequences; this asseveration is the argument string of this essay. Thus, the steps that will guide me are following: first one, a description of Schiller’s theoretical propose; second one, a description of Marx’s theoretical propose. The similarities and differences will be shown where these have place.

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Author Biography

Daniel Quiroz Ospina, University of Antioquia

Institute of Philosophy, University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Quiroz Ospina, D. (2016). Diagnostic of man. The problem of alienation in Karl Marx and Friedrich Schiller. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (9), 80–100. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/versiones/article/view/324166


