Isocrates and the greek culture


  • Lucía Gallón Rueda University of los Andes


education, rhetoric, logos, greek culture, citizen


The purpose in the following text is to show in what way Isocrates uses common notions within the greek culture in order to elaborate in the Antidosis the postulates of his paideia, or his education model. In consequence, the work to be done is twicefold: on the one hand it must give account of sayed postulates, on the other it must show how they’re elaborated through those common notions. Additionally, it will be concluded that, having in mind the notion of logos used by Isocrates, the Antidosis constitutes itself as an exercise of pedagogy o teaching.

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Author Biography

Lucía Gallón Rueda, University of los Andes

Philosophy and Literature, University of los Andes.


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How to Cite

Gallón Rueda, L. (2016). Isocrates and the greek culture. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (10), 78–97. Retrieved from


