Philosophy: a knowledge about fundamental questions. On the question of the meaning of life -Albert Camus- and utopia -Ernst Bloch-


  • Andrés Esteban Acosta Zapata University of Antioquia


meaning of life, absurd, utopia, hope, philosophy


The following essay handles the problem of philosophical practice as an exercise of asking and solving primary questions relating human being and world relationship. To that aim it’s necessary to regard two indispensable questions -whose positing and developing is essential-: the question on the meaning of life and the question about utopia. From Albert Camus’s viewpoint it is the problem of the existential meaning of life what we handle here, while the utopia matter is brought here from Ernst Bloch’s point of view. Looking both inquiries separately we seek to understand the need of their handling, in the sense of their having a very important place within the philosophical exercise. What has been previously said has the purpose of relating both questions to comprehend philosophy as knowledge about and for life.

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Author Biography

Andrés Esteban Acosta Zapata, University of Antioquia

Institute of Philosophy, University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Acosta Zapata, A. E. (2017). Philosophy: a knowledge about fundamental questions. On the question of the meaning of life -Albert Camus- and utopia -Ernst Bloch-. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (11), 69–87. Retrieved from


