Political liberalism and “egalitarian promise”


  • Ricardo Albeiro Galeano Marín University of Antioquia


liberalism, equality, freedom, welfare


In this essay I will address John Rawls’s “egalitarian promise” of political liberalism, that is, the claim to account for a consistent concept of equality coupled with that of freedom that can function as model ideas to regulate the philosophical construction of a conception of justice and orient reflection on welfare. I will show, first, that the understanding of the values of equality and freedom sketched out in its principles of justice is deficient in view of Rawls’s own purpose for political philosophy. Second, I will assess which of the post-rawlsians philosophical approaches that focus on equality can provide a better understanding of the concept and thus fulfill what I have called the “egalitarian promise”. Resources, the capacity-building approach and radical egalitarianism represented by Dworkin, Sen and Cohen respectively.

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Author Biography

Ricardo Albeiro Galeano Marín, University of Antioquia

Institute of Philosophy, University of Antioquia.


Cohen, G. (2003). “¿Igualdad de qué? Sobre el bienestar, los bienes y las capacidades” en: Comercio Exterior, Vol. 53 N. 5, pp. 427-433.

Dworkin, R. (2003). Virtud Soberana. Barcelona: Editorial Paidós Ibérica S. A.

Gargarella, R. (1999). Las teorías de la justicia después de Rawls. Un breve manual de filosofía política. Barcelona: Ediciones Paidós Ibérica S. A.

Rawls, J. (1986). “El constructivismo kantiano en la teoría moral” en: Justicia como equidad. Materiales para una teoría de la justicia, pp. 137-186. Madrid: Editorial Tecnos S. A.

____________. (2002). Justicia como equidad: una reformulación. Barcelona: Ediciones Paidós Ibérica S. A.

____________. (2002).“Justicia como imparcialidad: Política, No Metafísica”en: Doce textos fundamentales de la Ética del siglo XX, pp. 186-227. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

Sen, A. (1995). Inequality reexamined. Oxford: Russell Sage Foundation.

____________. (2000). Desarrollo y libertad. Bogotá: Planeta Colombiana Editorial.

____________. (2009). La idea de la justicia. Bogotá: Editorial Taurus.



How to Cite

Galeano Marín, R. A. (2017). Political liberalism and “egalitarian promise”. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (11), 101–117. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/versiones/article/view/328171


