The political, the didactic and the teaching


  • Rodrigo Munguía Rodríguez National Autonomous University of Mexico, University of the Cloister of Sor Juana


Marxism, teaching, didactic, politics, education


The present article has the objective to defend the revolutionary character that didactics and teaching have. In the text I present the arguments in favor of the aforementioned point, insisting on the transformative value of teaching activity, and on the current need for such transformation capacity. From categories close to Historical Materialism, the text analyzes the current social and political conditions, and tries to take a position, from the field of didactics facing the problems presented.

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How to Cite

Munguía Rodríguez, R. (2017). The political, the didactic and the teaching. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (12), 25–36. Retrieved from


