Onpolitical passageand multiple temporality. The importance of moving from Capital to the Grundrisse


  • Jaime Ortega Reyna Autonomous Metropolitan University


political passage, Grundrisse, capital, marxism


Starting from the work of Mario Tronti, Toni Negri and Enrique Dussel, the notion of “political  passage” that focuses on  the  category  of “living  labour” elaborated  by  Karl Marx in 1857 is explored. Emphasizing the contributions of these three theorists the category of “political temporality” to wrest the influence of "philosophies of history" anchored in a linear view of historical time. Following these three authors insists on the importance of the Grundrisse as  a  text  that  allows  certain  productive  veins,  against  the  order  of  closed exhibition that takes place in Capital.

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Author Biography

Jaime Ortega Reyna, Autonomous Metropolitan University

Autonomous Metropolitan University - Xochimilco.


Della Volpe, G. (1965). Clave de la Dialéctica histórica, Buenos Aires, Proteo.

Haug F. (1998). Después de la caída del marxismo fordista. Dialéctica, Año 22, No. 31.

Negri A. (1970). Dominio y Sabotaje, Barcelona: El viejo topo.

____________. (2001). Marx más allá de Marx, Madrid: Akal.

Negri A. (2003). La forma-estado, Madrid: Akal.

Marx K. (2004). Grundrisse: elementos fundamentales para la crítica de la economía política, México: Siglo XXI.

Tronti M. (2001).Obreros y Capital, Madrid:Akal.



How to Cite

Ortega Reyna, J. (2018). Onpolitical passageand multiple temporality. The importance of moving from Capital to the Grundrisse. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (13), 124–138. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/versiones/article/view/333601


