Phenomenology vs logical analysis: action, intentionality and motor bodily


  • Antony Zapata Flórez University of Antioquia


phenomenology, logical analysis, action, intentionality, moviment, body, mind, spatiality, schema, image


Intentionality is the concept by which contemporary philosophy is committed to the understanding of action. Logical analysis and phenomenology have been debated by which of their ways of understanding intentionality is the most appropriate. The analytical position of the intentional action bets for a representational and logical explanation of the problem, the phenomenology, on the other hand, opposes affirming that in reality the intentional action depends on the sensory-motor capacities of the body. In this article, I propose to present both ideas, but finally, I will defend a phenomenological position since I believe that corporality is the basis of the understanding of intentionality, motor skills and action. For this, I will argue from the phenomenological strategy of emphasizing the importance of corporality in action when its two modes of being are distinguished: from the image and from the schema of the body.

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Author Biography

Antony Zapata Flórez, University of Antioquia

Instituto de Filosofía, Universidad de Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Zapata Flórez, A. (2019). Phenomenology vs logical analysis: action, intentionality and motor bodily. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (14), 1–27. Retrieved from


