The Heideggerian concept of the world: being-in-the-world


  • Juan David Rueda Beltrán University of Valle


Heidegger, Dasein, world, involvement, significance


Philosophy throughout the history has dealt with the being of Man. However, she has not been able to apprehend it because, according to Heidegger, this task includes a desideratum which philosophy has long found disturbing but has continually refused to achieve to work out the idea of a natural concept of the world. Every reflexion that seeks to fully apprehend the being of Man, must, as its first and most urgent task, obtain a sufficient concept of the world. Therefore, we aim to elucidate Heidegger’s concept of the world exposed in Being and time, §§ 12 to 18. If we arrive with this reflexion to any degree of clarity respect to the questions on which we transit, and achieve our goal, the concept of the world; if this reflexion is an appropriate path, is something that only we will know afterwards we walk it.

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Author Biography

Juan David Rueda Beltrán, University of Valle

Degree in Philosophy, University of  Valle.


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How to Cite

Rueda Beltrán, J. D. (2019). The Heideggerian concept of the world: being-in-the-world. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (14), 51–81. Retrieved from


