Antigone and the law: in search of a political subjectivation


  • Federico Jaramillo Gamba Pontifical Xavierian University


Antigone, subjectivation, politics, law, novelty


Antigone is a figure who has contaminated the philosophical exercise at different times in history. This bibliographical evidence is an invitation we can return again and again to, so as to capitalize Antigone on the opening of meaning that the tragic connotes. This article is nothing more than the acceptance of this invitation. It explores what Hegel, Derrida, Lacan, Butler and Badiou have said around the figure of Antigone to unfold a constellation of meaning in which the tragic heroine appears as the image that draws the path of a political subjectivation. Far from being a reality given in advance, the articulation of a political subjectivity involves a process, a dialectic, and the relationship that Antigone maintains with the law of the Polis which acts as a paradigm through which this dynamic that will can be grasped here.

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Author Biography

Federico Jaramillo Gamba , Pontifical Xavierian University

Graduated, Faculty of Philosophy, Pontifical Xavierian University.


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How to Cite

Jaramillo Gamba , F. (2020). Antigone and the law: in search of a political subjectivation. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, 1(15, 2° épo), 9–28. Retrieved from