Validity of the Dynamic Sensor in the medium speed in deep squat in multipower


  • University of Antioquia
  • University of Antioquia
  • University of Antioquia
  • University of Antioquia


Objective: to observe the validity of the DynamicSensor with respect to the T-Force in the medium speed in deep squat in multipower. Method: the sample was 48 squats performed by 10 physically active male students. The measurement protocol consisted of performing 5 deep squats with a weight of 35kg at maximum concentric speed in a multipower machine in which the two instruments were installed. The average velocity of these measuring instruments was compared. Results: there were no statistically significant differences between both measurements (Mann-Whitney U> 0.05) and the correlation between both was very high and significant (Spearman's Rho = 0.969 and p <0.000). Conclusion: these statistical tests showed that the DynamicSensor is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring the average speed in deep squat in multipower.

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Biografía del autor/a

, University of Antioquia

Last semester student of the Professional program in sports training.

, University of Antioquia

Last semester student of the Professional program in sports training

, University of Antioquia

Degree in Physical Education, Specialist in Sports Training, Master in Motor and Human Development, Doctor in Physical Education. Research professor at the University Institute of Physical Education and Sports - Universidad de Antioquia.

, University of Antioquia

Degree in Physical Education, Surgeon, Master in Exercise Physiology, Doctor in Physical Education. Research professor at the University Institute of Physical Education and Sports - Universidad de Antioquia.


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Cómo citar

Pablo Andrés, Andrés Felipe, Carlos Alberto, & Gustavo. (2020). Validity of the Dynamic Sensor in the medium speed in deep squat in multipower. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 9(3), 104–115. Recuperado a partir de



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