Copper-Zinc serum traces, physical activity and geriatric depression in older adults: a cross-sectional study
Palabras clave:
Copper-Zinc, Serum traces, Geriatric depression, Physical activityResumen
Aim: to evaluate serum levels of copper and zinc and to investigate the association between copper-to-zinc (Cu/Zn) ratios and age, self-reported depression, and physical exercise in a sample of adults aged 60 to 92 years. Methods and materials: 101 participants without prior cardiovascular disease were enrolled. Anthropometric measurements were taken, and blood samples were collected from the left arm. Serum copper and zinc levels were measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy, and Cu/Zn ratios were calculated by absorbance and colorimetric tests. Geriatric depression was assessed using the Yesavage scale index (GDS-15). Statistical analyses included chi-square tests and logistic regression models with a significance level of 5%. Results: of the 101 participants, 54 were physically active (i.e., engaged in at least 60 minutes of exercise, three times per week) with an average age of 67.5 ± 7.8 years, while 47 were sedentary with an average age of 74.8 ± 9.1 years. The results showed a high prevalence of Cu-Zn deficiency and alterations in Cu/Zn ratios in older adults and those with low physical activity. Multivariate analysis revealed an association between Cu/Zn ratios and physical exercise and age. Physical exercise was found to be a protective factor (odds ratio [OR] = 0.086; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.021-0.348; p < 0.001), while age was a risk factor (OR = 1.062; 95% CI: 1.005-1.123; p < 0.034) for high Cu/Zn ratios (≥2). Conclusion: in populations with a high prevalence of copper and zinc deficiencies, Cu/Zn ratios appear to be independent of nutritional parameters and more strongly associated with age and physical exercise.
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