The female body in the context of Globalization


  • Jessica Ibáñez Picón University of Antioquia


Body, Woman, Globalization


In recent decades, globalization has been a topic of great relevance worldwide, since it refers to a set of complex and changing economic, political and sociocultural processes that, according to Hopenhayn, go beyond information and finance, to encompass unique aspects of cultures and subjects and mobilize positions in the face of standardization and difference, polarities typical of globalization. In consonance, a context is set up marked by the utopia of transculturality that confronts modern thought of the denial of the other, where women have been made invisible in their desire and, with that, stripped of "authority" over their body, in the insofar as it begins to give it meaning from a globalized discourse, and therefore, saturated with ideals and standards

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Author Biography

Jessica Ibáñez Picón, University of Antioquia

Degree in Physical Education. Master's student in Collective Health (University of Antioquia, Colombia).


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How to Cite

Ibáñez Picón, J. (2013). The female body in the context of Globalization. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 1(1), 25–29. Retrieved from


