Motricity: a tool for teaching scholar chess


  • Miguel Ángel Taborda Saldarriaga University of Antioquia


chess, physical education, educative innovation, motricity, esearch action


Chess, as intellectual sport which has the characteristic of giving to whom studies and practices it, some cognitive characteristics; increases the intelligence quotient, the memory, the concentration and the capacity of analysis; it improves numerical and oral aptitudes; develops the critical and creative judgment, an important number of qualities that any professor would like instill in his pupils (Ferguson, 1995).For this inour context, we should have to giveasolution to two problems that makes it difficult: first, chess is not taught in the physical education classes because students do not have an intrinsic or extrinsic motivation toward the traditional training on this sport. There fore through action research in education wanted to answer the question ¿How to initiate motivation on chess in the school, being coherent with the contents for the scholar physical education? The strategic plan proposed includes, the teaching of chess in the initial stages with a methodology that allows internalizing the pieces movements using their own bodies

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Author Biography

Miguel Ángel Taborda Saldarriaga, University of Antioquia

Degree in Physical Education, University of Antioquia (Colombia)


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Fernández Amigo, Joaquin; Pallarés Porcar, Maria Rosario (2003). Implantación del ajedrez en un centro de primaria. Gestión de Centros.

Fernández Amigo, Joaquin; Pallarés Porcar, Maria Rosario(2009). Cómo sensibilizar la escuela hacia el ajedrez. Gestión de Centros.

Gálvez Fernández, Ana María(2006). Motivación hacia el estudio y la cultura escolar: estado de la cuestión. Pensamiento Psicológico, 6:87-101.

Latorre Beltrán, Antonio(2004). La investigación-acción. Conocer y cambiar la práctica educativa. Barcelona: Graó.

Martínez Serrano, Gustavo(sf). Xecball: ajedrez en movimiento. España.

Vogel, Erni(2005). Fundamentación del ajedrez escolar: entre la fragilidad y la panacea. Efdeportes, Revista Digital, 10(83).



How to Cite

Taborda Saldarriaga, M. Ángel. (2013). Motricity: a tool for teaching scholar chess. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 2(1), 48–62. Retrieved from


