Physiological basis of recruitmentof motoneurons


  • Gustavo Ramón Suárez University of Antioquia


Motor activity or motor behavior is controlled by a series of neurons from the cerebral cortex to the muscles.This paper has as objective to review the current know ledge state that exist son this fact. This event implies in creasing complexity of phenomena. We begin from the muscle and we will go coupling different mechanismsto arrive the cerebral cortex. Finally, we will suggest theoretical alternatives to analyze this subject

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Author Biography

Gustavo Ramón Suárez, University of Antioquia

Research professor linked to the University of Antioquia (Colombia). Degree in Physical 
Education, Master in Exercise Physiology, Doctor in Physical Education


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How to Cite

Ramón Suárez, G. (2013). Physiological basis of recruitmentof motoneurons. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 2(1), 85–102. Retrieved from



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