Effect of strength training on absolute power and body mass of road cyclists


  • Jenaro Leguízamo Herrera Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia


cadence, absolute power, concurrent training, training effects


Face to the question about thepossible effects of a cyclist's fitness training, an experimental study was developed. It consisted in made an additional strength intervention with an experimental group conformed by 9 cyclists and other control group formed by8 cyclists, theywere selected by the trainer/investigator.We established that parallel resistance and strengthtraining as in road cyclingtraining is evident, one of the groups was given a strength training in order to verify that indeed, the strength training does not produce noticeable effects in the overall power and cadence of the riders. During the study, it is expected to demonstrate the possible effects of concurrent training on funtional treshold power, in order to determine if the effects of concurrent training determined the type of preparation needed by the riders

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Author Biography

Jenaro Leguízamo Herrera, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia

Degree in physical education, Specialist in sports training, Master Candidate at the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia. National Route Coach. Investigators


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How to Cite

Leguízamo Herrera, J. (2013). Effect of strength training on absolute power and body mass of road cyclists. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 2(1), 136–146. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/viref/article/view/15370



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