The formation of hygienic habits from school aesthetic Exchange in physical education in the nineteenth century in Colombia


  • León Jaime Urrego Duque University of Antioquia


subjectivity, physical education,, aesthetic experience, health and hygiene


The nineteenth - century school in Medellin (Colombia) imparts particular forms of subjectivity. The physical education discourses of the time allowed to investigate, from a historical perspective, the production of experience sensitivity to a way to drive the behavior of  ndividuals who are being educated. This article explains how discourses of physical education develop a mastery of facts, practices and thoughts to the formation of a body attitude aesthetic experience oriented to health care and hygiene of the body
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How to Cite

Urrego Duque, L. J. (2013). The formation of hygienic habits from school aesthetic Exchange in physical education in the nineteenth century in Colombia. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 2(3), 15–37. Retrieved from



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