V.A.K. Learning styles in students of Physical Education and other pedagogies in SEK International University, Chile


  • Elizabeth Flores Ferro Central University of Chile
  • Fernando Maureira Cid SEK University


Learning styles, visual, auditory, kinesthetic, pedagogy, physical education


Aim: This study compared the learning styles of students in physical education and
different pedagogy careers, such as history, preschool, language and English. Method: A transactional descriptive study was conducted with a sample of 306 students from the SEK University (Chile). Results: It was observed that in the first year of the different careers, protrude visual and kinesthetic styles, leveling the three styles into the fourth year, except physical education and preschool, who scored higher on the kinesthetic style, relative to the other pedagogies. In addition, it was determined that there are no differences between each style in 1st and 4th year of each career, showing stability of these ways of perceiving information. Conclusion: Further studies are needed in education faculties of other universities to know if this stability is characteristic of pedagogy careers in general. 

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Author Biographies

Elizabeth Flores Ferro, Central University of Chile

Degree in Physical Education. Master's student in research and university teaching. 
Central University of Chile

Fernando Maureira Cid, SEK University

PhD. in education. Teacher Faculty of Cultural Heritage and Education. SEK University, 
Santiago de Chile


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How to Cite

Flores Ferro, E., & Maureira Cid, F. (2015). V.A.K. Learning styles in students of Physical Education and other pedagogies in SEK International University, Chile . VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 4(2), 14–24. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/viref/article/view/23189



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