Methodological proposal for improve coordinative capabilities in Ultimate Frisbee


  • Lina Fernanda Vargas Alzate University of Antioquia
  • Carlos Alberto Agudelo Velásquez University of Antioquia


Ultimate Frisbee, Sport Training, Coordinative Capabilities, Sport Technique, Sport Tactics


A methodological proposal is presented to enhance coordination capacities in Ultimate Frisbee, since relevant skills when referring to high sports achievements. To this end a battery of exercises that serves as a training tool for the development of these capabilities are developed. It is clarified that, generally, an exercise not only helps develop a coordinative capacity, but develops various capacities in different proportions, because in a competition skills not seen isolated but a set of them. Thus, is proposed a series of exercises that help the development of coordination abilities and technical and tactical improvement, bringing it ever closer to game structure.

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Author Biographies

Lina Fernanda Vargas Alzate, University of Antioquia

Third semester undergraduate student in Sports Training. University of Antioquia, University 
Institute of Physical Education (Medellín, Colombia)

Carlos Alberto Agudelo Velásquez, University of Antioquia

Degree in Physical Education, Specialist in Sports Training, Master in Motor and Human 
Development. Professor at the University of Antioquia - University Institute of Physical
Education (Medellín, Colombia)


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How to Cite

Vargas Alzate, L. F., & Agudelo Velásquez, C. A. (2015). Methodological proposal for improve coordinative capabilities in Ultimate Frisbee. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 4(3), 1–57. Retrieved from



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