Influence of different methodological strategies in the speed and accuracy of the launch of the line in pitchers of 16 to 18 years in the city of Cartagena de Indias
sport training, baseball, pitcher, variability, throwing, accuracy, speedAbstract
The intervention methodology in variability has been compared to other training methodologies, which have opposing principles, such as consistency methodology. However, it has not been compared to mixed methodologies that improve learning in consistency and variability, as it was done with this study. Aim: establish the effects of variability, consistency and mixed models, applied to the speed and accuracy of the four-seamer in the baseball pitcher. Method: A sample of 21 pitchers (n=21) was divided into 3 experimental groups: 7 with consistency, 7 with variability and 7 with mixed. An initial test was carried out, and then, a 3-month treatment was implemented, three days in the week, which was recorded in video, and a test was done at the end of the intervention. In the tests, the speed and precision of pitching was registered and the results were analyzed through Simi-Motion and Simi-Twiner software. Results: Improvement in learning precision and more speed in the participants of the variability and mixed groups. The consistency group did not show marked improvement in precision or speed. Conclusion: These results allowed learning the benefits that variable and mixed training have in comparison to methodologies used in an isolated manner.
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