Evaluation scale of visual and auditive action-reaction times in youth karate athletes of Antioquia, Colombia


  • Gustavo Ramón Suárez University of Antioquia
  • Samuel Gaviria Díaz University of Antioquia
  • Diana Consuelo Teller Carrero University of Antioquia
  • Manuela Calderón Rojas University of Antioquia
  • Valentina Ruiz Correa University of Antioquia


Aims: measure action-reaction times of youth karate athletes and develop an evaluation scale. Method: were evaluated 12 karate athletes (6 men and 6 women), aged between 15 and 21 years, who participated voluntarily. For the production of visual and auditory stimuli manual control device (REAC) was designed. For measurement of action-reaction times it was used a Canon SX260 240fps camera and Kinovea program, which allows to calculate the time in milliseconds. For the preparation of the evaluation scale were compared times according to canal
(visual or auditory), laterality (right or left), gender (male or female), body segment (hand or foot) and type test (general or specific). Results: were found significant differences when comparing by type of test and corporal segment, but no  ifferences were found when comparing gender and channel used. Conclusion: according to these results an evaluation scale was built that allows a more effective interpretation of them. 

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Author Biographies

Gustavo Ramón Suárez, University of Antioquia

Dr. Physical Education

Samuel Gaviria Díaz, University of Antioquia

Mg. Sports Engineering

Diana Consuelo Teller Carrero, University of Antioquia

Sports Training Est.

Manuela Calderón Rojas, University of Antioquia

Sports Training Est.

Valentina Ruiz Correa, University of Antioquia

Sports Training Est.


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How to Cite

Ramón Suárez, G., Gaviria Díaz, S., Teller Carrero, D. C., Calderón Rojas, M., & Ruiz Correa, V. (2016). Evaluation scale of visual and auditive action-reaction times in youth karate athletes of Antioquia, Colombia. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 5(1), 1–16. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/viref/article/view/323446



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