Conceptions of gender in teaching of physical educators, thought from the contemporary transformations of education


  • Jéssica Ibañez Picón University of Antioquia


Gender Equality, Teaching by Aptitudes, Physical Education, Body Ideal


If is true that formation is for transformation, teaching should be subject to analysis, criticism and constant reflection –and it can be a significant proportion of subjective responsibility to each teacher–, that must transcend the classroom to society, questioning what is wrong. Some problems whose solution is usually attributed abstractly to the State or the Society is necessarily require the commitment and actions of teachers to be conducted. This is the case of gender equity issue which has been legislated and established policies but for which, in practice, much work still to advance their realization. Thus, contrary to what promulgates the official curriculum, hidden curriculum suggests the reproduction of body aesthetic imperative that enacts the current market system. The concerns that generate this reflection have been raised from the academic training and experience as a physical education teacher of the author. The text is part of the formulation of her doctoral research project.

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Author Biography

Jéssica Ibañez Picón, University of Antioquia

Degree in Physical Education, University of Antioquia (Colombia). Master in Collective Health, University of Antioquia (Colombia). Student of the Doctorate of Human Sciences with a Mention in Education, National University of Rosario (Argentina).


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How to Cite

Ibañez Picón, J. (2016). Conceptions of gender in teaching of physical educators, thought from the contemporary transformations of education. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 5(2), 24–30. Retrieved from


