Implementation of physiotherapist in elite team spanish. The case of spanish handball


  • Vicenç Hernández-González University of Lleida
  • Monica De Vega Cassasas University of Lleida
  • Carme Jové-Deltell University of Lleida
  • Joaquin Reverter-Masia University of Lleida


Physiotherapeutic, Sports Medicine, Pathology


Objective: Identify the number and mode of recruitment of physiotherapists in the Spanish elite handball teams, over several seasons, is the primary objective of this work. Material and methods: This is a descriptive, longitudinal, comparative study in two seasons teams from handball. It was carried out with two periods of data collection at the beginning of the season 2004/2005 and eight years later 2013/14 season, teams top flight. The total study sample consists of 24 trainers of the 24 teams in the league ASOBAL. The questionnaire, validated and made viable, used was created by Reverter et al. (2008). Results: The results of the study show that there has been implementing physical therapy services in most of the Spanish elite handball teams. At work, recruitment has been done mostly full time. Conclusions: The most important conclusion of the study is the increasing involvement of physiotherapists in multidisciplinary teams of elite sports teams. Physiotherapy Associations should continue working towards the incorporation of the physiotherapist in most teams and sports. 

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Author Biographies

Vicenç Hernández-González, University of Lleida

Specific Didactics Department.

Monica De Vega Cassasas, University of Lleida

Specific Didactics Department

Carme Jové-Deltell, University of Lleida

Specific Didactics Department


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How to Cite

Hernández-González, V., De Vega Cassasas, M., Jové-Deltell, C., & Reverter-Masia, J. (2017). Implementation of physiotherapist in elite team spanish. The case of spanish handball. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 6(2), 20–26. Retrieved from



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