Combined training and body composition in overweight and obese individuals. A systematic review
Combined Training, Continuous Aerobic Training, Overweight, Obesity, Weight, Body Mass IndexAbstract
Background: Literature supports the benefits of exercise for over weighted and obese people, however it is not clear what training method is overall better for them. Aim: To assess Combined Training in comparison with Continuous Aerobic Training regarding body build in obese and overweight people older than 18 years old. Methods: The sample was made with people over 18 years old with an IMC <25 Kg/cm2 . The trials were meant to compare Combined Training method versus
Continuous Aerobic Training. Two evaluators did the research, applied exclusion and inclusion criteria, assess the quality of the methodology and interpreted data independently. Results: Six studies were identified and they didn´t show statistically significant differences regarding weight and IMC using either method. Conclusion: It is necessary to conduct clinical trials involving these training methods and to measure other types of variables of body and physiological composition.
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