Prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries in athletes of artistic gymnastics of the gymnastic´s league of Antioquia in the period 2014-2016


  • Ana Maria Toro Salazar María Cano University Foundation
  • Valeria Martínez Zea María Cano University Foundation
  • Ingrid Johanna Díaz Marín María Cano University Foundation


Musculoskeletal injuries, Gymnastics, Prevalence


Aim: To identify the prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries in athletes of artistic gymnastics of the Gymnastic´s League of Antioquia in the period 2014-2016. Method: A quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive-exploratory study was carried out in a sample of 30 athletes distributed in the different categories of artistic gymnastic of the Gymnastic´s League of Antioquia. They answered a questionnaire on a voluntary way, through a guided questionnaire. The data was processed and analyzed through a duplicate Excel®2013 database and the data was exported to STATA 12.0 software. Results: The most frequent musculoskeletal (LME) injuries were contusions and sprains, along with the presence of muscle spasms. Ankle, foot and shoulder areas were the most affected. The most representative apparatus of the gymnastics for the presence of lesions was floor. In addition, regarding the time of the injury, a significant presence was determined during the training. Conclusion: It was evidenced a great variety of musculoskeletal injuries without a specific pattern of injury generated by this sport. Injuries can to vary according to the category and the sport gesture proper to the techniques used. 

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Author Biographies

Ana Maria Toro Salazar, María Cano University Foundation

Physiotherapy student. María Cano University Foundation, Faculty of Health Sciences. Medellin Colombia

Valeria Martínez Zea, María Cano University Foundation

Physiotherapy student. María Cano University Foundation, Faculty of Health Sciences. Medellin Colombia.

Ingrid Johanna Díaz Marín, María Cano University Foundation

Research adviser professor. Master in Physiotherapy, Physiotherapist. Professor at the Industrial University of Santander, Faculty of Health, School of Physiotherapy. Bucaramanga, Colombia


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How to Cite

Toro Salazar, A. M., Martínez Zea, V., & Díaz Marín, I. J. (2017). Prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries in athletes of artistic gymnastics of the gymnastic´s league of Antioquia in the period 2014-2016. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 6(2), 1–19. Retrieved from



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