Implementation of two models of strength training oriented to the control of power and maximum repetition, in athletes of the University of San Buenaventura, Medellín


  • Sebastián Arango Monsalve San Buenaventura University
  • Luis Miguel Hincapié Gómez San Buenaventura University
  • Samuel Gaviria Alzate San Buenaventura University


Force, Execution speed, Maximum repetition, Training


Aim: To identify the effects on the increase of a maximal repetition, in the flat bench press exercise. Method: The study was carried out with university students, indoor soccer players, with whom two training methodologies were applied: one focused on the control of the intensity by the discharged load, and another controlling the intensity from the speed of execution, during a period of 8 weeks of training. For the estimation of the maximum repetition the T Force was used as tool to measure the strength of each player. Results: The athletes of the experimental group (intensity control from execution speed) achieved significant changes in strength, specifically in their upper limbs (arms, pectoral, back, etc.), indicating that the training controlling the speed manifests differences in maximal repetition. Conclusion: The variable "execution velocity" proves to be a determinant factor in the control of stress intensity, allowing to obtain changes in the maximum repetition without the necessity of displacing high values of load.

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Author Biographies

Sebastián Arango Monsalve, San Buenaventura University

Universidad de San Buenaventura Colombia - Facultad de Educación - Tecnología en Entrenamiento Deportivo.

Luis Miguel Hincapié Gómez, San Buenaventura University

Universidad de San Buenaventura Colombia - Faculty of Education - Sports Training Technology.

Samuel Gaviria Alzate, San Buenaventura University

Master (MSc) in Sports Engineering.


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How to Cite

Arango Monsalve, S., Hincapié Gómez, L. M., & Gaviria Alzate, S. (2017). Implementation of two models of strength training oriented to the control of power and maximum repetition, in athletes of the University of San Buenaventura, Medellín. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 6(3), 29–38. Retrieved from



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