Research at the university: An approach from the perspective of its protagonists


  • Jéssica Ibáñez Picón Catholic University of the East


Research, like Science, has been a very controversial topic throughout history, but there is no doubt about the esteem that has been granted as an academic practice that brings social benefits, even reaching be considered as a kind of panacea to solve the problems that afflict humanity. Accordingly, the collection of information on the fundamentals of research and its methodology is wide, so the objective of this paper will not be to contribute in the same line, but to raise a reflection on the research training of the college students, and explore the challenges they and their teachers experience. 

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Author Biography

Jéssica Ibáñez Picón, Catholic University of the East

Degree in Physical Education, Universidad de Antioquia (Col.). Master in Collective Health, Universidad de Antioquia (Col.). Student of the Doctorate in Humanities and Arts with a mention in Educational Sciences, National University of Rosario (Ar.). Professor at the Universidad Católica de Oriente


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How to Cite

Ibáñez Picón, J. (2018). Research at the university: An approach from the perspective of its protagonists. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 6(4), 16–30. Retrieved from



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