Incidence of sports recreational activities in the school life, in the Educational Institution La Sierra (Medellín, Colombia)
Violence, School, Education, Values, Coexistence, Recreation, SportAbstract
Aims: Determine the incidence of sports and recreational activities in school coexistence, at La Sierra Educational Institution, in commune 8 of the Municipality of Medellin; likewise, identify the sociodemographic profile, social factors that intervene in the coexistence, the supply and demand of sports and cultural recreation, as well as the organizations that help in the processes of coexistence of this institution. Justification: It is recognized that effective solutions are lacking in the local context to respond to the problem of coexistence in the school context. However, this situation can be extrapolated to other contexts, since literature shows that healthy coexistence in school is a cause for concern in the world. From this fact arises the present investigation, that although it consists in evidencing the causes that obstruct the healthy coexistence, it focuses mainly in questioning how the participants propose solutions before the difficulties of coexistence, where the sport and the recreation are transverse to the context . Thus, the study collects alternatives that students consider to be conducive to coexistence. The present work is a diagnosis that could initiate alternatives of greater importance from other recreational sports proposals. Method: A non-probabilistic study was developed, supported by qualitative and quantitative methods of descriptive character, having as a universe the secondary school population, and taking a stratified sample by level of schooling, due to the difficulty of access to the intervention groups due to restrictions in the academic schedule. Results: The study showed that the educational institution presents disturbing levels of violence, evidencing the disarticulation between the State, the family and the school, a situation that makes it difficult to design collective strategies for this purpose. A relevant aspect is the expectation that students have about sports and recreation as a means to mitigate school violence, and as an alternative in their socializing processes. Among the main findings, it was identified that the factors that influenced, positively or negatively, school coexistence, are external and transcend the educational institution, reflecting the neighborhood, personal and family reality. Another important aspect that is highlighted in the study is the manifestation of bullying, and insecurity in the sector, as well as gaps in the mechanisms of regulation of the family, the educational institution and government for the theme of coexistence. Conclusion: The students of the Educational Institution La Sierra, present a route aimed at reducing school violence through the practice of sports, recreation and the use of free time, also manifesting unusual preferences in the territory, which accounts for the need to articulate the municipal sports offer with the needs of the community. In addition, aspects that influence, positively and negatively, their behaviors, such as the treatment and family accompaniment and their teachers in the educational process are identified.
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