Relationship of the personality, with respect to the position in the field of play, of amateur soccer players from Valle de Aburrá, between 14 and 26 years of age


  • Ever Andrés López Restrepo University of Antioquia
  • Edicson Yesid Jurado Valderrama University of Antioquia
  • Andrés Alejandro Burbano Berrocal University of Antioquia
  • Esteban Sierra Parra University of Antioquia
  • Samuel José Octavio Gaviria Alzate University of Antioquia


Personality, football, position in the court


Aim: to identify and to analyze the relation of the football players' personality, with regard to their tactical position in the area of game. Method: It was selected a sample of 40 male players of fond football of Aburrá's Valley, with a middle ages of 19,5 ± 2,8, to whom was supplied them the Test of The Colors, created by the Swiss psychotherapist, Max Lüscher; this test consists of a chromatic choice ordained of 8 colors, chosen for its physiological and psychological meaning (Lüscher,1947). Results: It was obtained that overall fashion with respect to the personality characteristics of the players, is egocentricity, appearing with 45% (18/40) in the total sample. Specific results are that goalkeepers are cautious people; the defenses are self-centered, sensitive and persistent people; fliers are self-centered and sentimental people; and finally, strikers stand out as being self-centered, demanding and solvers.

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Author Biographies

Ever Andrés López Restrepo, University of Antioquia

University Institute of Physical Education

Edicson Yesid Jurado Valderrama, University of Antioquia

University Institute of Physical Education

Andrés Alejandro Burbano Berrocal, University of Antioquia

University Institute of Physical Education

Esteban Sierra Parra, University of Antioquia

University Institute of Physical Education

Samuel José Octavio Gaviria Alzate, University of Antioquia

University Institute of Physical Education


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How to Cite

López Restrepo, E. A., Jurado Valderrama, E. Y., Burbano Berrocal, A. A., Sierra Parra, E., & Gaviria Alzate, S. J. O. (2018). Relationship of the personality, with respect to the position in the field of play, of amateur soccer players from Valle de Aburrá, between 14 and 26 years of age. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 7(1), 34–49. Retrieved from



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