Conceptual approaches on Sports Management in scientific production at an international level


  • Karen Julieth Mayorga Cuervo University of Antioquia
  • Juan Pablo Marulanda Tobón University of Antioquia
  • Jair Alexis Vanegas Henao University of Antioquia
  • Jonathan Estiven Guisao Múnera University of Antioquia
  • Yesid Mauricio Pérez Moreno University of Antioquia
  • Josué Álvarez Hernández University of Antioquia
  • Marlon Andrés Amaya Cadavid University of Antioquia


conceptualization, theorization, sports management, scientific production


Problem: The results of research conducted in Sports Management in the Hispanic context, mark the need to expand the search sources that complement the information found in the published works on the field. Based on the literature reviewed for this proposal, it was considered that, in English, tools and academic production are identified more broadly and with greater advance than in the Spanish language. Objective: To identify the conceptual foundations on Sports Management in scientific articles published in English. Method: A qualitative systematic review of the scientific journal Sport Management Review was carried out in the period 1998-2015. Results: 363 articles were reviewed; according to the inclusion criteria, 6 articles were analyzed in depth, in which only one reference was found to the concept of Sports Management proposed by Chelladurai (Dixon, 2003), who defines it as a field related to the coordination of human resources and limited materials, relevant technologies and situational contingencies for the production and efficient exchange of sports services. From this concept, contributions from other authors that invite the construction of theory from various perspectives are recognized: applicability to the sporting context of theories taken from other disciplines, creation of concepts and the relationship between them, knowing that is derived from reflection of the sports manager in the action and identification of phenomena in the sport addressed through research models.

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Author Biographies

Karen Julieth Mayorga Cuervo, University of Antioquia

University Institute of Physical Education

Jair Alexis Vanegas Henao, University of Antioquia

University Institute of Physical Education

Jonathan Estiven Guisao Múnera, University of Antioquia

University Institute of Physical Education

Josué Álvarez Hernández, University of Antioquia

University Institute of Physical Education

Marlon Andrés Amaya Cadavid, University of Antioquia

University Institute of Physical Education


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How to Cite

Mayorga Cuervo, K. J., Marulanda Tobón, J. P., Vanegas Henao, J. A., Guisao Múnera, J. E., Pérez Moreno, Y. M., Álvarez Hernández, J., & Amaya Cadavid, M. A. (2019). Conceptual approaches on Sports Management in scientific production at an international level. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 8(1), 81–94. Retrieved from



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