Approach of motor education in preschools in the municipality of Bello-Colombia


  • Catalina Gallego Tobón
  • Fabián Gallego Tobón San Buenaventura University
  • Enoc Valentín González Palacio San Buenaventura University


Motor education, Motor development, Preschool education


Motor development is a transformation that occurs in humans as a result of the evolution of the life cycle, from birth to old age, so it is important to maintain their levels of development through motor activities that generate changes of various kinds (biological, psychological, anthropological, psychomotor, neurophysiological, among others). Recognizing the importance of the contribution from the school to the evolutionary process through good motor practices in preschool children, a study was carried out in 45 pre-school education institutions in the municipality of Bello-Colombia. The research revealed information about the knowledge and application of theoretical concepts that teachers give in the physical activities of preschool, through a questionnaire that inquires about the performance of teachers in the infant stage in the area of motor development. For the presentation of results, the proposal of Sanz et al. (2013), which comprises eight dimensions for the approach of motor education in terms of health. The results indicate unfavorable effects in the acquisition of improvements in the development of basic motor skills and health habits.

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Author Biographies

Fabián Gallego Tobón, San Buenaventura University

San Buenaventura University, Medellín section

Enoc Valentín González Palacio, San Buenaventura University

San Buenaventura University, Medellín section


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How to Cite

Gallego Tobón, C., Gallego Tobón, F., & González Palacio, E. V. (2019). Approach of motor education in preschools in the municipality of Bello-Colombia. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 8(2), 65–82. Retrieved from



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