Biodanza and Physical Education: Disciplinary configuration to increase school’s self esteem



Human Motricity, Self Esteem, Physical Education, Human Development, Biodanza


Problem: It is presented the results of an investigation related to school self-esteem and its
possibilities for improvement from an intervention program. Objective: Design and apply a proposal to improve the self-esteem of school children from the Biodanza System, and determine if there are significant advances in the participants. Method: Research with a quantitative approach and scope of exploratory type, since it is intended to find out about subjects and areas from new perspectives. The design is of an experimental nature, due to a population is evaluated having a control group and an experimental group to verify differences between both. It is a pure experiment, since it is carried out to analyze if one or more independent variables affect one or more dependent variables. To evaluate the reliability andachievement of the objectives, it was used the Self-esteem at school Test with instruments applied to teachers and students. Results: After the intervention, the experimental group presented improvement in the level of self-esteem. Conclusion: The results suggest that it is possible to increase school self-esteem through a program based on the Biodanza System.

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Author Biography

Franklin Castillo Retamal, Catholic University of Maule

Department of Physical Activity Sciences. Group of Studies in Education, Physical Activity and Health (GEEAFyS). Catholic University of Maule, Talca-Chile


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How to Cite

Castillo Retamal, F. (2019). Biodanza and Physical Education: Disciplinary configuration to increase school’s self esteem. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 8(3), 19–32. Retrieved from



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