Factors that affect the implementation of the Transversal Learning Objectives in the Physical Education class: a case study


  • Marcelo Muñoz Lara Bernardo O'Higgins University
  • Elizabeth Flores Ferro Bernardo O'Higgins University
  • Paula Jara Rojas Bernardo O'Higgins University
  • Bastián Allende Verdejo Bernardo O'Higgins University
  • Matías Medina Valencia Bernardo O'Higgins University


transversal learning, motivation, teacher stress, Physical Education


Introduction: the Transversal Learning Objectives (TLO) have responded to the needs of favoring a formative identity that promotes nationally shared values and ideals, since they are relevant for an integral education. Objective: analyze the factors that influence the implementation of the physical and proactivity and work dimensions of the TLO in Physical Education and Health classes by a teacher of the specialty Methodology: qualitative approach with a case study design with the participation of a 6th grade Physical Education teacher from a school in Santiago, Chile. Two observation patterns were analyzed, a motivation test, a teacher stress test and a questionnaire. Results: the Physical Dimension if applied, a weight that not all external factors are fully fulfilled, however the Proactivity and Work Dimension does not achieve compliance, due to an incorrect use of time management. Conclusion: the implementation of the TLO turns out to be more dependent on the will of the teacher, than on the intrinsic and extrinsic factors associated with the teacher.

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How to Cite

Muñoz Lara, M., Flores Ferro, E., Jara Rojas, P., Allende Verdejo, B., & Medina Valencia, M. (2020). Factors that affect the implementation of the Transversal Learning Objectives in the Physical Education class: a case study. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 9(4), 1–12. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/viref/article/view/341129



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