Characterization of anterior and posterior muscle chain strength in Colombian footballers, categories U17 and U20
amateur soccer, physical qualities, sports performance, injury prevention, technologyAbstract
Introduction: for the development of sports talent, aspects such as maturity, physiological characteristics, technical and tactical skills, psychosocial characteristics, genetic factors and social context must be taken into account, which must be combined with physical qualities to develop a high-performance athlete. The most important physical quality for high-performance athletes is muscle force that is properly distributed along the muscle chains. Objective: to evaluate the muscular strength of the anterior and posterior muscular chain in soccer players category U17 -U20. Method: descriptive study to evaluate the strength of the anterior muscle chain with the Kbox device in combination with the smartcoach pro and the posterior muscle chain with the Nordbord system, in U20 and U17 soccer players. Results: the muscular strength of the posterior chain characterized by the hamstrings in U17 players by position was: 317N archers, 296N defenders, 269N flywheels and 368N forwards. In U20 players it was: 308N archers, 310N defenders, 285N flyers and 262N forwards. For the previous muscular chain, in the U17 players it was: 355 watts archers, 421 watts defenders, 349 watts flyers and 413 watts forwards. In U20 players it was: archers 429watts, defenders 686watts, flyers 492watts and forwards 527watts. Conclusion: a strength profile was established for categories U17 and U20, which will be the starting point to develop programs focused on increasing physical performance and preventing injuries from improving the strength of the anterior and posterior muscle chain.
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