Home training during isolation


  • Jorge Jaime Márquez Arabia University of Antioquia
  • Paula Andrea Betancur Naranjo San Martin University


COVID-19, pandemic, home training, health, distancing, isolation, sedentary lifestyle, inactivity, physical activity, physical exercise


Isolation generates multiple negative consequences on mental, physical and social health that can be partially offset by the execution of physical activity and home training ideally guided by a physical exercise specialist. An illustrated exercise proposal with videos to perform at home for apparently healthy people is presented.

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Author Biographies

Jorge Jaime Márquez Arabia, University of Antioquia

Physician and surgeon, Anesthesiologist, Specialist in Medicine applied to Physical Activity and Sports.
Professor at the University Institute of Education and Sports, University of Antioquia.

Paula Andrea Betancur Naranjo, San Martin University

General Physician, San Martín University.


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How to Cite

Márquez Arabia, J. J., & Betancur Naranjo, P. A. (2020). Home training during isolation. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 9(2), 57–66. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/viref/article/view/342213



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