Gold and passion. Intersections, overlaps and conflicts between the economic dimension and the sports dimension in the training process for footballers in Argentina and France



amateur football, professional football, sports training, sports professionalization, sports economics


Problem: influence of the economic dimension in the process of training footballers in professional clubs. Objective: to analyze the ways in which the economic dimension appears in the sports training received by young footballers from lower divisions, both from the club's and footballers' perspective. Method: based on a six-month ethnography carried out in the training divisions of two professional football clubs, Estudiantes de la Plata (Argentina) and Olympique de Marseille (France), a participant observation was carried out, to account for the practices and environment in each Training Center; Then, in-depth interviews were carried out with soccer players and trainers, to observe the representations that the actors make of their own practice. Results: through four elements: the form of contracts, the existence or not of wages, representations about money, and the role of managers or agents of soccer players, a comparative analysis was carried out that shows differences and similarities in Argentina and in France, which depend less on material structures than on senses and values ​​associated with sport, play and effort. Conclusions: it was observed that, although formative soccer does not constitute a professional practice, around it there is a market that largely reproduces the logic of professional soccer. This generates, among others, the autonomization of the careers of footballers with respect to their clubs from an early age, and a process of individualization of the relationship of the players with their profession. However, since the economy is a dimension that contradicts traditional sports values, money always appears as a subsidiary to sports glory in the discourse of soccer players in training and trainers.

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Author Biography

Diego Murzi, National University of San Martín

Doctor in Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite

Murzi, D. (2020). Gold and passion. Intersections, overlaps and conflicts between the economic dimension and the sports dimension in the training process for footballers in Argentina and France. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 9(2), 83–108. Retrieved from



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