The integrality in the process of sports initiation to BMX cycling


  • Cristian Camilo Castillo Carrión National Pedagogical University of Colombia
  • César David Gómez Sanabria National Pedagogical University of Colombia
  • Juan Sebastián García Verano National Pedagogical University of Colombia


sports initiation, sports education, pedagogical models, constructivism, integral formation


Introduction: the sports initiation stage in BMX cycling can be limited by the implementation of a traditional pedagogical model, where the child is considered as an actor who must replicate specific movement patterns and achieving them is the only purpose, ignoring the role of the child as the central axis of the educational act and that it goes through specific stages of development which must be correctly approached to generate an optimal sports environment. Objective: to propose a theoretical framework addressing an alternative pedagogical current that directs the teaching-learning process of basic BMX cycling skills, taking into account the development phases (cognitive, motor, physical) of children aged 8-10 years, to structure the initial stage of sports training, serving as a guide for future teaching processes in this sport. Methodology: to develop the theoretical framework, a document review work was carried out, using as technique and instruments a matrix for data collection and another to categorize the data. Results: a pedagogical plan was structured for the teaching-learning of the basic skills of BMX cycling in the initiation category. Conclusion: a sports initiation process in this sport for children between 8 and 10 years old should enhance their physical, motor and cognitive abilities, so it is considered pertinent to approach it from a constructivist pedagogical model, which will enable meaningful learning.

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Author Biographies

Cristian Camilo Castillo Carrión, National Pedagogical University of Colombia

National Pedagogical University of Colombia, Faculty of Physical Education, Bachelor of Sports.

César David Gómez Sanabria, National Pedagogical University of Colombia

National Pedagogical University of Colombia, Faculty of Physical Education, Bachelor of Sports.

Juan Sebastián García Verano, National Pedagogical University of Colombia

National Pedagogical University of Colombia, Faculty of Physical Education, Bachelor of Sports.


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How to Cite

Castillo Carrión, C. C., Gómez Sanabria, C. D., & García Verano, J. S. (2021). The integrality in the process of sports initiation to BMX cycling. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 10(1), 20–38. Retrieved from



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