Soccer teaching and sports initiation in two sports schools in Santiago de Cali, Colombia



sports initiation, sports teaching, teaching methods, teaching styles, soccer


Introduction: sports initiation processes are essential for children to learn the necessary bases to practice sports. Objective: to analyze the teaching methods from the speeches and practices of the coaches in two soccer schools in Santiago de Cali, Colombia. Methodology: the study was based on Grounded Theory, using observation and semi-structured interviews as techniques to identify, describe and interpret teaching methods. Results: in the different categories of training in soccer, various teaching methods are applied, the analytical method being the most accepted; the planning of exercises similar to competition and focused on tactics are altered, which is why it is considered as a hybridization in teaching. Conclusion: the use of the methods implied adopting teaching styles that, although they give importance to traditional interaction, generate mixed styles mediated by the competitive interest of the coaches. This is a common factor between them, which provides a position against the training process in football that involves children from 5 to 12 years old.

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Author Biographies

Luis Adolfo Motato Rodríguez, University Institution National Sports School

Professional in Sports and Physical Activity of the National School of Sports University Institution. Master in Sport and Physical Activity from the Universidad del Cauca. Teacher, Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences, National School of Sports University Institution.

Víctor Hugo Quilindo, University of Cauca

Bachelor of Basic Education with an emphasis on Physical Education, Recreation and Sports from the Universidad del Cauca. Master in Education from Diversity from the University of Manizales. Professor at the University of Cauca, Department of Physical Education, Recreation and Sports.


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How to Cite

Motato Rodríguez, L. A., & Quilindo, V. H. (2021). Soccer teaching and sports initiation in two sports schools in Santiago de Cali, Colombia. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 10(1), 39–50. Retrieved from



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