Effects of mean effort character on squat execution speed, vertical jump height, and speed at 20 meters
physical assessment, sports performance, character of effort, explosive strengthAbstract
Problem: the character of the effort (CE) is a subjective way of controlling the training, very useful in clubs with large members and in which there are no instruments to measure the speed of execution; however, for performance in team sports it is not clear which type of CE is more suitable.
Objectives: a) to determine the effects of a training plan with medium CE on the load that can be moved at 1 m / s in the squat; b) determine the effects of a training plan with average CE on vertical jump height; c) determine the effects of a training plan with medium CE on the speed in 20m.
Method: experimental study with a quantitative approach, with a control group and an experimental group, with random assignment of the subjects to the groups. The population is made up of university rugby players from the department of Antioquia and the sample was 19 active rugby players from the Universidad Nacional campus Medellín, aged 18 to 27 years. Both groups did a 6-week training plan, twice a week. The control group carried out a training plan with maximum CE, 12 repetitions of 12 possible; the experimental group carried out a training plan with medium CE, 6 repetitions of 12 possible; the rest of the variables of the plan were the same.
Results: the load in kilograms that were able to move at 1 m/s in squat increased significantly in both groups. CMJ only improved significantly in the group with medium CE, and the 20 m speed and body mass index did not increase significantly in either group.
Conclusions: the average CE is a good alternative for strength training, since improvements can be obtained with a much lower training volume that does not generate interference with the rest of the training by producing a lower fatigue index, in addition to generating significant gains in expression of explosive force, decisive for obtaining results from sports practice.
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