Using Boccia sport as a tool for inclusion in the physical education classes: a systematic mapping study



Physical Education, disability, inclusion, Boccia, Paralympic sports


Problem: Physical Education teachers worldwide face significant challenges on a daily basis related especially to the development of their themes in the classroom, students’ behavior, teaching materials, infrastructure, among others; Due to the above, the question arises, how much is the physical education teacher being devoted to redesigning when students with physical disabilities are enrolled in their classes? Objective: to analyze studies that use Boccia sport as a tool for inclusion in the physical education classroom, to determine how adapted sports lead to the participation of all students in this area of knowledge. Method: a systematic literature mapping was carried out in the Science Direct, Springer Link, Taylor & Francis, Scopus and JSTOR databases. Results: 718 documents were recovered, of which 10 (1.39%) were identified as relevant to this research. Conclusion: this mapping depicts that there is a knowledge gap regarding the use of Boccia sport in physical education classes and even more so, being a Paralympic sport that can provide new foundations for inclusion in classrooms.

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Author Biographies

Heider Ramiro Díaz Better, University of Cordoba

Degree in Physical Culture, Recreation and Sports, University of Córdoba.

Cleiber Eusse López, University of Cordoba

Degree in physical education, recreation and sports, University of Córdoba. Master in comprehensive intervention in the athlete, Autonomous University of Manizales.


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How to Cite

Díaz Better, H. R., & Eusse López, C. (2021). Using Boccia sport as a tool for inclusion in the physical education classes: a systematic mapping study. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 10(1), 96–107. Retrieved from



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