Using Boccia sport as a tool for inclusion in the physical education classes: a systematic mapping study
Physical Education, disability, inclusion, Boccia, Paralympic sportsAbstract
Problem: Physical Education teachers worldwide face significant challenges on a daily basis related especially to the development of their themes in the classroom, students’ behavior, teaching materials, infrastructure, among others; Due to the above, the question arises, how much is the physical education teacher being devoted to redesigning when students with physical disabilities are enrolled in their classes? Objective: to analyze studies that use Boccia sport as a tool for inclusion in the physical education classroom, to determine how adapted sports lead to the participation of all students in this area of knowledge. Method: a systematic literature mapping was carried out in the Science Direct, Springer Link, Taylor & Francis, Scopus and JSTOR databases. Results: 718 documents were recovered, of which 10 (1.39%) were identified as relevant to this research. Conclusion: this mapping depicts that there is a knowledge gap regarding the use of Boccia sport in physical education classes and even more so, being a Paralympic sport that can provide new foundations for inclusion in classrooms.
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