Motor development program and multipurpose sports initiation in field hockey


  • Walter Foresto Higher Institute of Sports


Motor develpment, Sports iniciation, Field hockey


Children are continuously participating in recreational sports activities during their formative stage, characterized by the great changes that occur in their personality and by the search for their own identity, greater autonomy and acceptance by their peers, among others. Sports initiation corresponds to a period between 6 and 15 years, approximately, although modifications can be made, depending on individual development and previous experience that the child has had. In this age range there are periods more sensitive than others for sports learning, with a close relationship between the evolutionary-maturation process and the ability to acquire movement, with the learning of the different individual and collective technical-tactical elements and with the motor skills or competences that clearly affect the learning, development and improvement of sports in the different sports specialties. In the present work, a program for the sports development of children in field hockey is presented.

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How to Cite

Foresto, W. (2021). Motor development program and multipurpose sports initiation in field hockey. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 10(4), 92–98. Retrieved from



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