The corporeality of emotions from gestation


  • Sandra Milena Arroyave Mora University of Antioquia


This text addresses a reflection on emotional education as an aspect that prepares the subject to deal with the transformations that everyday life presents, intuiting that the perception of the subject is an ideal, unique construction whose basis is childhood. The family plays a leading role in the process of formation of the individual from the womb; the mother provides oxygen and food, and those physical sensations associated with emotions and feelings are perceived by the baby. Primary caregivers are those who experience their first emotions and collaborate to regulate them, and this emotional regulation is unconsciously established in the brain. Any distress is expressed by crying, and since babies do not have the ability to control themselves, caregivers must seek to understand this language. Crying is related to the feeling of hardship, hunger, discomfort, suffocation and even danger, and must be addressed through actions such as changing the diaper, providing food, lulling, accompanying, hugging, etc.

Early childhood education should give more importance to the emotional aspect, so the presence of a responsible family is important to transmit cultural, social, emotional and cognitive information during this stage of life. In this sense, in this period the corporal, mental and emotional development is promoted, in such a way that, in the future, the expansion of the social environment through friends and new affective ties have a positive influence. A pedagogy is proposed that, through art and sport, revalues ​​the importance of emotional awareness, which lies in knowing one's own emotions and those of others, through self-regulation by exercising dynamic control over environmental stimuli. , where a degree of harmony is established through appropriate social skills in interpersonal relationships and empathy.

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Author Biography

Sandra Milena Arroyave Mora, University of Antioquia

Degree in Physical Education. Master's student in Education, Universidad de Antioquia. Professor at the University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Arroyave Mora, S. M. (2021). The corporeality of emotions from gestation. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 10(1), 86–95. Retrieved from