Factors associated with abdominal obesity, high blood pressure and cardiorespiratory capacity in Colombian adolescents



Adolescence, Abdominal obesity, Blood pressure, Physical exercise, Cardiorespiratory capacity, Sedentary behavior


Objective: to determine the factors associated with abdominal obesity, high systolic blood pressure and cardiorespiratory capacity in school adolescents aged 10 to 17 years in the municipality of Barbosa-Antioquia. Methodology: cross-sectional association study, with random sampling of complete courses, for each grade, with 373 participants, carried out during 2018. Measurements of weight, height, body mass index, sedentary behavior, level of physical activity, cardiorespiratory capacity and sociodemographic variables were used. Logistic regression models were performed, the outcome of which was abdominal obesity and elevated systolic blood pressure. A linear regression model was also performed, the outcome of which was the cardiorespiratory capacity. Results: being physically active increases cardiorespiratory capacity by 3 milliliters per kilogram per minute (ml / kg / min), compared to not being active. Being a man increases the cardiorespiratory capacity by 7.4 ml / kg / min, compared to being a woman. Abdominal obesity and body mass index decrease cardiorespiratory capacity. Being physically active decreases 50% the possibility of suffering elevated systolic blood pressure. For each unit of increase in body mass index, the possibility of suffering from elevated systolic blood pressure increases 13.6%. Conclusions: cardiorespiratory capacity and physical activity are protective factors that reduce the possibility of suffering from elevated systolic blood pressure and abdominal obesity, therefore they are reiterated as non-pharmacological strategies to combat chronic non-communicable diseases.

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Author Biography

Jason Cardona Gómez, University of Antioquia

Graduate in Physical Education, Master's Student in Epidemiology


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How to Cite

Gómez, J. C. (2022). Factors associated with abdominal obesity, high blood pressure and cardiorespiratory capacity in Colombian adolescents. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 11(2), 86–105. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/viref/article/view/348477



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