Relationship between physical fitness, physical education and academic performance in Spanish adolescents according to sex and schooling group


  • Andrés Rosa Guillamón Universidad de Murcia
  • Jorge López Navarro Universidad de Murcia


Physical activity, Physical condition, Academic performance, Cognitive performance, Secondary education, Bilingualism


Problem: various issues remain to be clarified in the relationship between the ability to perform physical activity, cognitive functioning and academic performance in adolescents. Objective: to analyze the relationship between physical condition, physical education and academic performance according to sex and schooling group. Method: descriptive-cross-sectional study with 37 adolescents (43.2% girls) aged 14-16. The Cooper test, horizontal jump, 5 x 10m run and academic qualifications were used. Participants were categorized according to schooling group (ordinary vs. bilingual), physical condition (lower vs. higher), academic performance (lower vs. higher) and academic performance in physical education (lower vs. higher). Results: boys in the bilingual group had a better academic performance in English (p = .032); the girls in the ordinary group showed greater muscular strength in the lower body (p = .030) and speed-agility (p = .049); the girls in the bilingual group had a higher aerobic capacity and better overall academic performance (p = .049 in both cases). The girls with the lowest overall physical condition showed a higher level in English (p = .029). Both the boys and girls with the lowest overall academic performance showed a better overall physical condition (p = .049 in both cases). Finally, the boys with the highest academic performance in physical education showed higher records in geography and history (p = .005), while the girls with the highest academic performance in physical education presented better overall academic performance (p = .007). Conclusion: longitudinal and prospective studies could analyze the moderating effect of the schooling group on the relationship between physical fitness and academic performance, as well as the impact of performing a daily session of physical education on overall academic performance.

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Author Biographies

Andrés Rosa Guillamón, Universidad de Murcia

Doctor por la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Murcia (España). Profesor Asociado del Departamento de Expresión Plástica, Musical y Dinámica de la Universidad de Murcia. Grupo de investigación Actividad Física y Deporte Orientado a la Salud (AFYDOS).

Jorge López Navarro, Universidad de Murcia

Graduado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte por la Universidad de Murcia


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How to Cite

Rosa Guillamón, A., & López Navarro, J. (2022). Relationship between physical fitness, physical education and academic performance in Spanish adolescents according to sex and schooling group. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 12(1), 68–87. Retrieved from



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