Relationship between balances and symmetries in lower limbs and fat percentage in third level cadets of the Escuela Militar General José María Córdova


  • Xiomara Vanessa Morales Chuquín Escuela Militar de Cadetes General Jose María Córdova
  • Laura Elizabeth Castro Jiménez Universidad Santo Tomás - Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana


military population, muscle strength dynamometer, adipose tissue, knee


Introduction: the need to create optimal conditions for the prevention of risks, which can improve the health and military performance of individuals, is the work of professionals who are in charge of the training of this population. Objective: to relate the levels of symmetry and muscular balance with the fat percentage of the 3rd level cadets of the Faculty of Military Physical Education. Methodology: it is a quantitative, descriptive and transversal study, where a strength evaluation is performed through an isokinetic dynamometer, in the knee flexor-extensor muscles, applying the HUMAC NORM protocol, which allows determining the peak torque of lower limbs, recognizing muscular conditions that enhance physical performance and possible osteomuscular risk factors that trigger lower limb injuries. Levels of balances and symmetries are presented and a bioimpedance test is also performed to determine the fat percentage of the cadets, establishing a relationship between the variables. Results: a low significant correlation was found between peak torque of the right extensor muscles with the fat percentage (0.289 p=0.012) and a high correlation between the flexor and extensor muscles of both legs (0.626 p=0.000), which becomes a first reference for the evaluation of strength with isokinetic method in the Colombian military population.

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How to Cite

Morales Chuquín, X. V., & Castro Jiménez, L. E. (2024). Relationship between balances and symmetries in lower limbs and fat percentage in third level cadets of the Escuela Militar General José María Córdova. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 12(3), 75–85. Retrieved from



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