Perception of primary school students about physical education in Educational Institutions of Medellín


  • Edwin David Arévalo Atehortúa Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Juan Felipe Muñoz Bedoya Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Zonaika Posada López Universidad Católica Luis Amigó


Physical education, perception, opinion, motivation


Problem: physical education is the basis for the acquisition of motor skills at an early age; Therefore, generating appropriate spaces in which an adequate motor footprint is developed, accompanied by positive emotions, is essential for teaching sports and physical activity at school. Knowing what children think and feel about the education they are receiving in educational institutions is the basis for identifying the conditions of that teaching. Objectives: identify the perception of primary school students, from third to fifth grades, about the physical education they receive in educational institutions in the city of Medellín. Method: quantitative, descriptive and transversal study, where 842 students from 10 educational institutions in the city of Medellín were surveyed. Results: it is found that in the emotional dimension on average (85.3%) students answer YES to the questions; Students who have family support (58.8%) tend to do some extracurricular sports activities (74.7%), which corresponds to the exercise dimension, having (83.8%) that they They like the activities in physical education class. Conclusion: students from the educational institutions surveyed have a positive perception of physical education classes, the exercises they perform and the teachers, this being a facilitator for sports initiation. Likewise, boys seem to experience greater enjoyment than girls, especially from competitive activities.

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How to Cite

Arévalo Atehortúa, E. D., Muñoz Bedoya, J. F., & Posada López, Z. (2024). Perception of primary school students about physical education in Educational Institutions of Medellín. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 12(4), 72–82. Retrieved from



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