Effects of coach education programs : a systematic review
Coach development program, Sports coach education, Experimental studiesAbstract
Purpose: to provide a detailed description of empirical research on coach development programs (CDP) and the effects produced on both coaches and athletes. Methodology: PRISMA 2020 guidelines were followed for the search strategy in SportDiscus, Medline, PABSC, Scopus and Google Scholar databases. Were identified (n= 593) articles, of which (n=9) met the following selection criteria: refereed journal articles in English and Spanish, from 2017 to 2021, including CDP´s, experimental or quasi-experimental research and with domain of professional, interpersonal and intrapersonal approach. Results: they are not conclusive because the findings showed that a certain number of studies did not present significant effects on the variables studied. A great variety of instruments used was evidenced, grouped in surveys and observational protocols. Conclusions: a great interest was observed, within the CDP´s, for personal and interpersonal issues, both coaches and athletes.
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